Thursday, February 9, 2017

It's Official: Snow Day!

If this week has been anything, it's been a yin and yang. We were almost sweating sitting in the sun at Washington Square Park on Wednesday. With temps near 60F I really had to try hard to remember it wasn't the first day of spring. And then, just like that our fortunes reversed.  Last night by about 7pm we had the official notification about Thursday from the NYC public schools: SNOW DAY! And why not? It was already supposed to be a storm packing high winds and a possible 8-12 inches of snow throughout the day. I for one appreciated the earlier than usual school closure. But of course I realize that I'm not exactly in a position to care. It's true that most of my work happens seasonally and part time at that. So I'm fortunate that it's mostly contained when it comes to interfering with school closures and sick outs. I did brush up against that once in January when Elisa was home sick the morning of a photo shoot, but I found a sitter at the last minute and it all went off without a hitch. But this day off would be nothing but a slight change of pace and hopefully a relaxing one I thought. And it sort of was. The girls woke early per their normal day-off tendencies. God forbid they get out of bed by 7am on a fucking school morning. But no, by 7am on a day off they are springing to life. So we let them destroy the living room with pillows and cushion forts watching too much TV and make their own yogurt-heavy breakfast. But by 9:30am I was willing to get up. Then it was pancakes and sausage, eggs and tea--all the things I needed to get out the door on this chilly day. We didn't actually leave for a few more hours mostly because Elisa was seriously dragging her feet, but even so, we still managed to make it to the gardens for a little stomping around in the snow. Birdie's backyard offered a small staircase to sled down and the girls were happy enough with that and a brief visit to see friends. Making it home with Thai food later was the best end to the day I could have asked for...well until I made us Manhattans with the new Luxardo liquer our elderly neighbor brought by. Not a bad snow day after all. 

1 comment:

Romulo Vela (Mole) said...

Beautiful Photos! Greeting from Mexico.