Monday, November 23, 2015

Like Old Times

Back in October I was on a roll meeting up with friends during the week while the girls were in school all day. It was a newfound freedom and I was savoring it. I had a couple of weeks where lazy breakfasts in the city turned into meandering walks through old haunts that left me just enough time to hop on the train and get home before pick ups. It was really wonderful. And among the highlights was a day I spent catching up with my college friend Cale. He and his adorable daughter Maggie were in NJ for a few months with his in-laws while his husband Seth held down fort in San Francisco as their home renovations got underway. It was a crazy coincidence that we both ended up in coastal cities far removed from our Missouri homeland. But the more I see of his posts on Facebook, I realize we both have found the "home" we needed through friends and the family we've made and it's such a delight to see him again and be able to talk about all these wonderful changes.
Seeing Cale as a father was just amazing. We found so much common ground as parents who love our kids but also realize that nothing is the same again ever. Life has been  forever altered and that takes some getting used to. It puts things into perspective that you couldn't have understood before becoming a parent. We shared so many laughs over cocktails at Cookshop (while Maggie slept like an angel) that I really wished he would stay in New York a little longer. It might not be the same as us singing and jamming to PJ Harvey in my old beat up Mercury Topaz on a road trip in college, but it was just as fun. I want to do this again soon!

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