Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June Wrap Up

So far June hasn't really been a hot and sweaty month. There have been lots of cool days with plenty of misty rain. But the thunderstorms and sticky nights have mostly stayed at bay. And thank goodness. It's so energy zapping to have that kind of heat early in the summer. But no, we've managed to have a few good Friday night bbq gatherings as well as some park time during the week to let the girls run around. With Nacho in training through the month of August, we also are taking advantage of his time at home as much as possible. He's just returned after a week away and the relief is palpable. So much easier having two hands on deck and knowing that I can work or do whatever I need without worrying about childcare or how I will juggle it all. June has also been a busier month for me with photo shoots than I anticipated. There have been a few family shoots, some birthday party photography and a school fundraiser at AMB that I've really enjoyed being part of. It's not left a lot of time for my own personal photo projects, but then I have all summer to catch up hopefully. And really when you have a good dry day who wants to sit inside at a computer anyway? 
This was Elisa's restaurant project from school. She was so excited to show it to me. Then she told me that was the waiter who was "bored of his job." Oh my.
Last weekend we kicked things off with the end of year AOC school potluck at St. Michael's playground. Elisa was delighted to see so many of her friends and Carolina enjoyed running wild in the misty morning too. Unfortunately, Skylar fell from the monkey bars and broke her wrist, making it a very memorable event for all the wrong reasons. Afterwards, we came home to chill out and rest on a lazy Saturday. I did laundry and not much else in preparation for a busy Sunday. The Father's Day morning started off with a trip to the movies to see Inside Out with Birdie and the Lefer family. Elisa had been on her best behavior for a week so she could go and see it. And I have to say, she really pulled herself together for the most part. Carolina also wanted to get in on the movie action as well, and both girls adopted personas from the film--Carolina was Joy, while Elisa took Disgust--which were perfectly fitting. Lunch at Pizzeria Uno nearby followed and we finished the day with a surprise toy purchase and a little SGP time that evening. So yeah, summer is almost here and we are more than ready. Today's warmer, muggier temps is probably the best sign yet that it's time for a break from school. So we'll hopefully survive this summer by hanging at the park and at home in the A/C and I'm trying to plan a few little trips as well. So we'll see how it all shakes out. Summer 4 Eva!

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