Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentimes

Another Valentine's Day and Elisa still calls it Valentimes. I love that. I love that we have begun a sort of pseudo celebration with shiny red and pink balloons and cupcakes and pizza party to make the day feel fun and lovely. That it was a Friday and the first evening of our Winter Break meant I decided to invite a few additional friends over to really kick things off.  For the past month or so, I've been trying to gather the neighborhood AoC kids for some play time outside of school and this was another attempt at that and more successful than the last. We hosted Skylar and Grace, Dorothy and Luna, as well as poor Leonardo who wasn't so sure about all the doll playing. But they all agreed on pizza and cake. So that was a hit. The kids also got to take home a balloon each which is a fun way to spread a little of our Valentine's cheer. Yes, this 6 month marker to the girls' birthdays has turned into a real little celebration and I do it as much for them as I do for myself. In fact, Carolina was mildly confused about the whole day and kept repeating, "it's my birthday? no?"  I loved seeing how excited she was waiting for Elisa to come home to celebrate.  Yes, it's nice to paint it up red and let the kids play and just sit back and sip wine. And that's kind of sort of what tonight was like. With more screaming. Ahhhh...yes, kids and a relaxing evening aren't exactly mutually exclusive but it's close. But I wouldn't have changed a thing about today. Getting the girls to bed late while Nacho was working was a little bit challenging but they were so lovey with each other I had to smile. A pretty terrific day and I'm ready for a weekend of hanging out before our big trip....more soon.

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