Photo courtesy of Captured Moments by Shubhra
at Amazing Magic Beans Preschool
Oh, this girl. Here is Elisa in her first school picture. So grown up and yet not. In three years of blogging about her life, there's been no shortage of photos. The girl knows how to turn and smile and give the camera something--usually a bit wacky and fun. But somehow seeing her through another person's lens is eye opening. Here's my daughter out in the world doing things and making friends and all of it without me. It's so refreshing. Of course I have an interest in seeing a glimpse into this new world, but mostly I just want to know that she's there, behind school doors having a good time, learning from her environment and making social connections to the kids she will grow up with. And so far, I think she's accomplishing that and more. On Monday of this week we had another first--our first parent-teacher conference. I wasn't sure what to expect since it's not exactly like Elisa has been very forthcoming with information about her school days. I can usually tell from her clothing if she's painted, and I always ask about breakfast and who she played with. But otherwise, it's a bit of a mystery. So hearing from Mr. Al about how her days go and what activities interest her was another chance to be part of her new routine. He summarized:
Elisa is a wonderful Eagle who loves dramatic play. Elisa dresses from a doctor to a construction worker to a police officer. Elisa has also been doing a great deal of big- sister role-playing in the classroom. Elisa walks around with the stroller and her little purse and enjoys her work-time. Elisa also does work in the studio and the art table often creating artwork for her mommy and her little sister. We are working to grow her interests by putting new materials into the classroom that can allow her to deepen her exploration of being a big sister while giving her new ideas for dramatic play scenarios. Elisa is also excited by the musical instruments in the music are and has begun working with other classmates to create rhythms together.
All of this sounds about right for our very dramatic girl. She's been talking and singing and making up stories about her stuffed animals and dolls for a while now so the role-playing goes right into that. It's also true that she loves music and Mr. Al commented that she really likes the drums at school. What I didn't know and was a bit surprised by was how often she's asking for me and asking when I'm coming to get her. I suppose it's partly because I'm the one who's always around when Nacho takes off for work. I'm the rock, so to speak. But given how independent she is at home and when we are out and about at the park or just going for a walk in the city, I'm kind of shocked that she seems so insecure and clingy. I guess there's a real three year old inside there after all. We've had our battles lately and sometimes I feel like I'm getting nowhere with her stubborn refusals. But I guess it's important to take off my mom goggles every once in a while and see Elisa with fresh eyes. She is still a girl who needs me, even if she's learning to do more by and for herself. It's not easy to appreciate that when it feels like she doesn't want my help and won't listen to my advice. But we're getting there and school has been a big boost.
1 comment:
Awwww... she misses mama...
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