Thursday, September 22, 2011

A new adventure

It's taken me the better part of the summer, but I finally decided on a new name for the blog. Ta-da! Did you notice? It's been on my brain lately to update it and include our newest addition in this adventure of blogging, so I figured it was only right to give her some top billing. I mean, she is the baby of the family. Can't neglect her. And I have my friend Jenny to thank for the title suggestion. She sent me a wonderful list of possibilities and this one kind of matched up with another idea I had. So Big E and Little C, it is. I think the fact that I've made it three years into this blogging escapade means I won't slow down now. It's such an outlet for me in this stay-at-home-every-day's-the-same life. When I look back, I realize that actually no two days are the same. It just feels that way sometimes. But life is always moving forward. I have a 7 week old already! And my big girl is growing and changing every week too now that she's in school and discovering more of the world without me in it. It's all so exciting. And unlike the dreary, confusing post-partum world I found myself in with Elisa's birth, this time around I'm embracing all the change and upheaval. It's only temporary. Life is temporary. But we're hanging in there and managing to enjoy where we're at. With Elisa I said "Life will never be the same." That still rings true. But now I'm looking forward to seeing these sisters grow up in the big, bad city we call home. A new name. A new start. Still an adventure...


Anonymous said...

Love it! I am so glad you are continuing the blog with the newest addition. I always enjoy your posts! Keep 'em coming. :)

Maggie said...

Niiice. I really like it!