Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's in the look

After spending yesterday morning at the park, we waited eagerly for Nacho to come home so we could head into the city during the balmy evening. Even though the temps were in the 70s, just knowing it wouldn't last another day was bittersweet. We headed to our usual stomping ground: Union Square, followed by Washington Square, and then the East Village. With nothing much in mind, it was a lowkey evening in search of a meal before heading back home.
One thing I've noticed lately is how much Elisa watches people. She really observes and takes it all in. Like last night on the bus home, she was carefully watching a middle aged couple talk emphatically about their adult daughter who had just decided to hop off and catch a cab. It was a strange scene with the emotionally withdrawn mother checking her phone, the father all neuroses and diatribes against the haughty daughter. And as much as I tried to keep my own roving eyes off them, Elisa couldn't stop looking. And who can blame her? She is always watching and imitating us at home and the world is just a bigger and better stage, right? I suppose if she is destined to be a great actress someday, living in New York City is a perfect training ground. There's definitely no shortage of people to watch and as this weather warms up, we plan on being out there to see them in all their crazy glory.

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